Work anywhere, 2016

I must admit that lately I've become in an enthusiastic - or fanatic - of some terms slash hashtags. Any of you who follow my instragram account had reported that #workanywhere, #digitalnomad, #mobileoffice... has become habitual words within the photos I post.
One of best things to be able to work in a remote project where mates are living around the world is that everything is centraliced and organiced on The Internet, so you can work anywhere but internet :). Great stuff are the sprints too, but that's different topic.
All you need is a laptop - easier to carry than a desktop - a plug and an internet connection. The last one is often a problem, at least in Spain, because data plans are quite expensive (the better I could find was about 2Gb by 10EUR) and if you have to work with something more than code... it's not enough if you plan to stay few days off. The other point is to rely your data to some WIFI out there, as it didn't work for me last times, the MIFI connection is best I can afford.
Leaving aside such "problems", the benefits are quite in the winner side of the balance. If your personal/family situation let you choose you're free to rule. Organize yourself!.
Choose a place, an interval of dates and just go and try to have fun working anywhere. I must admit this summer it's the closest I have ever been to feel really free and I'm very grateful to live it. I have the need to say thanks to all the people that have made this dream come true.
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