BASH, PS1 and the long commands

Had a strange behavior in my bash while browsing the command history. I'm always traveling in time with the <Up>
arrow in my bash, but when a long command (longer than $COLUMNS) is being loaded, the prompt ($PS1) dissapears and it starts to behave as hell:
After some reserach here and there, as usual, StackOverflow gave me the answer: the unenclosed non-printable character sequences:
In my case it was exactly like that:
export PS1="\033[1;30m\]» \[\e[0;33m\]mbp\033[1;30m\]╺─╸\[\033[1;30m\][\[\033[0m\]\W\[\033[1;30m\]]\[\033[1;34m\]:\[\033[0m\] "
export PS1="\[\033[1;30m\]» \[\e[0;33m\]mbp\[\033[1;30m\]╺─╸\[\033[1;30m\][\[\033[0m\]\W\[\033[1;30m\]]\[\033[1;34m\]:\[\033[0m\] "
Could you spot the difference?. Please ensure all your non-printable sequences are enclosed in \[
and \]
in your prompt before complain about bash doing weird things.