Entrevistando a Theo

Jeremy Andrews: You have been known to occasionally make anti-Linux statements. What is it about Linux and the Linux community that draws your ire?

Theo de Raadt: I don't have a problem with Linux; I just don't use it. Nor do I think it is a newer and better or brighter or has less calories; everything we build is turds, we just move them around or shine them or have a different view on which way they should be rolled. I'm just tired of the various evangelical approach being taken by so many of the Linux users and developers. "Can't we all just get along?" If they keep throwing their ire at me, I will continue to call things as they are.
Theo de Raadt, lider de OpenBSD en una entrevista concedida a Jeremy Andrews, de Kerneltrap. No tiene desperdicio.
openbsd sysadmin

About the author

has doubledaddy super powers, father of Hugo and Nico, husband of Marta, *nix user, Djangonaut and open source passionate.